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Jennifer Noble

Sales & Operations Manager

Years at Entrée: 6


Jennifer is a bright addition to both our Sales and Operations teams for Alaska. With a long-standing tourism background, Jennifer has sailed the seas everywhere from Alaska to the Caribbean, Mexico and the Mediterranean.  Jennifer loves all aspect of travel, from dreaming up the perfect getaway for her clients through to operating the journey itself.  In her spare time Jennifer loves a good happy hour, watching movies and tap-dancing.

Q & A

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? 

Warthog, eland, impala and crocodile all in one meal at a restaurant in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

If you were stranded on a desert island and had to pick one album to bring along, which would it be?

Michael Jackson’s Greatest Hits

What matters most to you? 

Kindness and honesty, we need more of both in the world.

What’s your most memorable meal?

A HUGE pasta lunch after cooking lessons at a private villa Tuscany complete with unbelievable wine and stunning views.

What is your favorite Canadian/Alaskan destination? 

My favorite destination so far in Canada is Tofino, walking the beach with the sun shining!  In Alaska, I love the history and stories of Skagway!