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Marc Telio


Years at Entrée: 30


As Entrée’s Owner and President, Marc is our visionary and our leader. Every day he leads by example, with his finger on the pulse of the business and the spirit of his co-workers. “Hands on” doesn’t begin to cover it. Marc is very involved in developing new destinations and experiences for our guests, ensuring they meet his expectations for authenticity, experience and delivery. He is also in tune with the guest experience, often popping in to visit with guests as they are boarding a seaplane, landing in Vancouver or just starting off a day of touring. He loves touching our guests in a meaningful way whenever possible. It’s Marc’s passion and personal touch that inspire the Entrée team to be our very best every day. But being our best doesn’t mean that we have to take ourselves too seriously. Marc’s sense of humor borders on sick, frightening, dark and he loves practical jokes. He is constantly battling with his filter, wondering if the things in his head can be made public in front of employees…or are totally inappropriate. He’s slowly improving with age.

Marc’s end goal is to ensure that both he and Entrée make an impact on our communities, to our staff and our supplier partners. He is a family man, married to his love for over 20 years and they have two great children entering adulthood. Outside of family and work, Marc is a true traveler at heart, and he is addicted to golf. He hopes to enter the Senior PGA Tour but it’s not looking good…at all.

Q & A

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten? 

Black Bear. And I’ve tried Blue Cheese. It’s crazy that people deliberately choose to eat Blue Cheese.

What’s your most memorable meal?

At Palazzo Avino in Ravello, with my wife on our 15th wedding anniversary, dining over the Mediterranean, with a medley of Burrata, Prosecco and wonderful Italian food.

If a movie was made of your life what genre would it be, and who would play you?

It would be a Disney-type feel-good movie about a guy and his dreams. While I’d love to say Hugh Jackman or Johnny Depp, realistically we’re looking at Seth Rogan or Adam Sandler.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

I’d be Supergolfer. I fly around with my golf clubs, playing golf under par every day.

What is your proudest moment?

Personally: Becoming a dad

Professionally: I feel blessed to look back at how the company I’ve built has touched the lives of our staff, our guests and supplier partners in their communities over 28 years.

What advice would you give your younger self?

You’re smarter and more capable than you think.   Have some confidence.

What do you like/love about working at Entrée?

I love my co-workers, the culture we share and the fun we have doing what we do.  We have a shared belief that ensures we don’t take ourselves too seriously; we check our ego at the door and bring our A-Game to run this spectacular and storied travel company.  We work hard and we play hard.  And we take care of each other.