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Carol Wilson

Operations Manager

Years at Entrée: 11


As Operations Manager for Alaska, Carol uses her organizational skills to provide outstanding guest experiences to the travelers in her care. She works hard to ensure there are no surprises, yet when the unexpected does happen, Carol is a veteran customer service professional who draws on her experience to calmly get the job done right. Carol keeps herself calm and balanced by escaping the city every weekend to chill out on ‘her’ island.

Q & A

If you were stranded on a desert island and had to pick one album to bring along, which would it be?

The Beatles White Album. It is older than me and I’ve been listening to it my whole life so it stands to reason I would not get tired of it.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever eaten?

A fish head, eyes and all.  I was dining with Tui Mali, our local Chief in Fiji, and the “best” part of the fish was proffered to me.  I didn’t want I offend my host so I ate it without pause. I later learned the fish head was a bit of a joke, that no one had actually thought I would eat it.  Fijian humour.

What song is on repeat on your iPhone?

It changes frequently.  This week it has been Sweet Surrender by John Denver.  It is a song from my childhood and I like to sing along, so don¹t be a judgey-judgerpants.

If you could travel in time to any era & location, when and where would you go?

Paris in the 20s, to join in with the hedonistic boho scene.

What do you like/love about working at Entrée?

Firstly the people. Everyone is dedicated and equally engaged in excelling at what we do, and we all have a good time doing it. People who love to laugh make the best teammates, colleagues and friends.

Secondly the flexibility.  I am very grateful for the open doors to discuss possibilities and the Entree’s willingness to adapt and expand ways of doing things. I feel valued and this is key to why I love working at Entree.