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Sandra Kazandjian

Product & Documentation Coordinator

Years at Entrée: 15


Sandra is Entrée’s Product and Documentation Coordinator.  She is a talented copywriter, content manager and is usually knee deep in logistics while preparing our travel itineraries and documents. Sandra is a critical part of the team and the work she does touches all of our guests. She keeps it fun, easy and always with a positive energy. Oh, and at our 2015 staff retreat she danced in a cage at a nightclub while we cheered her on.

Q & A

If you could host a dinner party for 4 other people (living or dead) who would they be?

Freddy Mercury, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Richards, and Billie Holiday.

If you could travel in time to any era & location, when and where would you go?

The Golden Age in Greece (around 500-300 BC)

What advice would you give your younger self?

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t do or be something.  With hard work, determination, and sheer will, anything becomes possible.  No idea is too big or too crazy.  If you can dream it, then you can do it!

Who do you look up to and why?

Nelson Mandela, because he dedicated his whole life fighting for what he believed in and sacrificed his own freedom for his country-men’s freedom and racial equality.  He is an inspiration, knowing that it is possible to end racism and achieve peace and harmony around the world.

What do you like/love about working at Entrée?

I love working with a team of like-minded individuals who are as passionate as I am about making people’s travel dreams come true.